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Darlin' it really all depends on the company you are working for, and what they are looking for from you. To impress them chose an advanced topic, but not too difficult. The topic depends on also how much information you can find on each of your choices. The choice with the most information, should be your topic because then you will have less trouble. You should make a list of tpoics you're interested in. no more than I'd say 10, then research all of then and which ever has the most information on it should be your topic.

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Q: What is a good topic for a business report?
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What is an business report?

A business report is a fact-based analysis of a topic.

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A board report is a business report, a report of the business of a board of directors or a report of a specific meeting of a board. A business report can be on any topic whatsoever that involves any aspect of a business; it can be a report to or from the board of directors, a profit and loss report to shareholders or a government agency, to a justification for the expense to paint the rest rooms.

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A business report is?

A business report is a comprehensive fact-based analysis of a topic used by management to have timely, factual information at hand for planning and decision making.

A business report?

A business report is a comprehensive fact-based analysis of a topic used by management to have timely, factual information at hand for planning and decision making.

What are some good topics for reports?

Good topics for a report would be a subject that you know well. Are you a big fan of a sport or a team, do you participate in a sport, do you do a lot of cooking, are you a hanicrafter or have a hobby, do you have gardening experience, do you have a job or do volunteer work; any of these are excellent topics for a report. A topic that you know well will also be easier to write about than a topic that you have to research from scratch. The topic for an academic report would be dictated by the course that the report was for and a business report would be specified by what information the employer needed.

A good topic sentence will do what?

A good topic can interest people. If you are writing a report, choosing a good topic sentence will interest you, and your reader. It is very important to choose a good topic sentence for the interest of you, and the people who will be listening to you.

What is a good topic for a girl to do for a research report?

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What would be a good topic for a report?

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Is the atomic bomb a good topic to right a report on?

As opposed to "wronging" a report on it? Spelling quips aside, of course it's a good topic, as long as you know what you're talking about. That same principle applies to just about every topic in history.