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A good way of remembering a leap year is the year which the Olympic games is on or every Olympiad.

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Q: What is a good way of remembering which year is a leap year?
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How many days is in the year 2011?

365.... Every year has 365 days except for leap year. Leap year always falls every four years. The next leap year is 2012. A good way to remember when leap year is going to be next is that it always falls on the same years as the Presidential election in The United States, and always in the same year as the Summer olympics.

What is the program in c to check whether a year is leap year or not in simple way?

If the year divides evenly by 4 it's a leap year. If it's a century year it has to divide evenly by 400. 2000 was a leap year. 2100 will not be a leap year.

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Remember the incident

A good way of remembering your newest contact name is to?

write it on your hand.

When is the next leap year after 2009?

The next leap year will be in 2012 and the last leap year was in 2008______________________________Leap years occur in every year where the number is evenly divisible by four, so 2004, 2008, and 2016 are all leap years.There are two exceptions:1. Year numbers that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, so 1800 and 1900 and 2100 are NOT leap years. Except...2. Year numbers that are evenly divisible by 400 ARE leap years, so 1600 and 2000 were, and 2400 will be.Last Leap Year was '2008'. Next Leap Year is '2012'.If any year is divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100, then its a Leap Year. e.g. 2008.ORIf any year is divisible by 400, then its a Leap Year. e.g. 2000.2012 was the first leap year after 2009.

A leap year is a year that is divisible by 400 or 4 but not 100 is 1600 a leap year?

Well if 1600 being divisible by 100 disqualified it as a leap year, that would contradict the rule that 400 is a leap year. So maybe a more explicit way to state the leap year rule would be: Is_Leap(year) = true: if 4 divides year OR 400 divides year false: All other cases. Hope this helps!

How often does a leap year come?

A leap year in the Gregorian calendar occurs 97 times in every 400-year period, making the average length of a Gregorian calendar year 365.2425 days. The leap years are years that are evenly divisible by 4 with the exception of the last year of each of the first three centuries of every 400-years. So leap years are usually every four years, but most years that end with a double-zero are skipped. Here is a guide to help you determine if a year is a leap year: Is the year an even number? No: It is NOT a leap year. Yes: Is the year evenly divisible by 4? No: It is NOT a leap year. Yes: Is the year evenly divisible by 100? No: It IS a leap year. Yes: Is the year evenly divisible by 400? No: It is NOT a leap year. Yes: It IS a leap year.

Why is Leap Year sometimes every 8 years?

The rule for Leap Years is: A leap year will occurr in every year that is divisible by 4, except Century Years {unless exactly divisible by 400}. During this century there will be no leap year in the year 2100 because it is not exactly divisible by 400. So there will be an 8 year period for that leap year. 2096 is a leap year, 2100 is not, 2104 is, so there is the 8 years. By the way, anyone born on February 29 is known as a Leapling.

Would the name for a person who is born on the leap day or leap year be called a fleapling or what?

A person who is born on the leap day or leap year is also a normal person. Therefore, no terms or other names should be called to them as a way of caring for others.

1986 was 1986 a leep year?

No. 1984 and 1988 were.An easy way to remember:Summer Olympics and US presidential elections are in leap years.

Can you cancel a leap year?

No, leap years cannot be canceled. Leap years are necessary in order to keep the calendar aligned with the Earth's orbit around the sun. Without leap years, the calendar would gradually fall out of sync with the solar year.

Does every country do leap year?

No ! The presidential elections are not always on a leap year. Even though a leap year is every 4 years, not every election is a leap year. The notable exceptions are years that mark centuries (example 1800, 1900, 2000). If those years are not divisible by 400, then the year is not a leap year.