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put barrels along the spawn sites (the places where the Zombies appear) so the zombies get trapped. after the zombies stop appearing, shoot the barrels and any survivers. for more fu, throw a few (or a lot of) cluster grenades at the barrels.

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Will earth be desroyed?

Of course. The Zombie Apocolypse will kill us all. The zombies will not destroy the Earth, just the people on it. And in actual fact in the Zombie Apocalypse the living with win as zombies are not very good at planning.

What is a good free zombie game on iPhone?

Call of mini zombies free

How do you write a zombie story?

First, you read as many zombie stories as you possibly can - that will teach you how zombie stories are written.Next, think of a good original idea about zombies. Are you going to have traditional shuffling, brain-eating zombies or fast zombies that are after something else? How are your heroes going to escape the zombies? You've got to have good ideas to make your story different from all the other zombie stories out there.Finally, pretend you're telling your story to your best friends and write down what you'd tell them instead of saying it out loud and there's your story!

What props are needed for a zombie film?

Zombies, chainsaws, two tablespoons imagination, and a good deal of fake blood.

Is zombies ate my neighbors a good game?

Yeah it is! It's probably the best zombie game you can get, because it isn't just zombies, and it's not really scary, so kids can play it too.


Plants versus Zombies for the PC is good, and so is Zombies Ate My Neighbors for Nintendo. House of the Dead 2? stubbs the zombie, I'm not 100% on whether there is much violence or not, but you play a zombie whose goal is to infect the US into a giant zombie filled country. or something like that...

What is the best zombie game for PS2 besides Resident Evil?

well there is a few good zombie games i no that are really good one of them is cold fear very good game loads of zombies,evil dead ,hunters:the reckoning and city of the dead these are the games that have really caught my eye when i look for zombie games.

What is the best zombie game?

Resident evil 5 lol. Also, Left 4 Dead, and Nazi Zombies in Cod5 are good too.

What are good multiplayer zombie games that aren't downloads?

cod black ops,left 4 dead 1&2,and plants vs zombies

Where can you find armoured zombies?

theres armoured zombies? wtf In most states armoured zombies are NOT permitted to roam free, and for good reason I may add. Illinois, New Mexico, and Vermont are the exceptions. Everywhere else you will have to go on to your state's department of zombies and the undead website. I know that in Ohio the armoured zombie zone is in Findlay.

What good zombie games are on the PS3?

Dead Island. Left 4 Dead 1 and 2. Resident Evil 5. All Zombies Must Die!

What does it mean if you dreamt that zombies were chasing you?

The zombies in this dream symbolize whatever frightens the dreamer. As a metaphor, the zombie represents the threat of being forced to become something awful. In many cases, zombie dreams express the dread felt by adolescents when feeling forced toward adulthood.