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Q: What is a good way to narrow down possible career choices?
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What's the best career choices for people with electrical engineering background?

I think the best way to start your career change is to read the book What Color is Your Parachute. It will help you narrow down what you see yourself doing in the future. I would talk to friends and family and see what they think you would excel in.

What does narrows down the outlook mean?

If you narrow something down, you're going from a lot of choices or things down to only a few. You're focusing in on the situation or choice.

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Answer That's a really tough question to answer. I guess it would all come down to what you are looking for in your educational degree and what sort of career you are planning for yourself. Depending on what you are looking for, you could make a list and then narrow down your choices more easily.

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To start, look in the yellow pages of your local phone book. To narrow down the choices, call the preschools to get some general information, and then visit the ones that sound like good choices.

How do I find a job with a Project Management certification?

I would start by searching places like CareerBuilder and Indeed to find a job. They will help you narrow down your choices.

What path should you take for a happy and fruitful education and career?

There are many ways to find a career path and narrow down your choices. You might want to talk to some of your friends or relatives who already study or work in the areas that you are mostly interested in. Furthermore, you can take a look at this website. It tries to find a suitable career path that matches your skills and interests, using artificial intelligence. It also has information regarding current salary of different careers:

Why your truck want start?

We'd need to know the exact symptoms in order the narrow down the possible causes.

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Talking to an accountant and deciding how you plan to trade can narrow down the choices greatly, giving you an option with the right analysis tools and information for you.

What career is the best for you?

Choosing a career is not as easy as most people think. However, there are many ways to narrow down your choices. You might want to talk to some of your friends or relatives who already study or work in the areas that you are mostly interested in. Furthermore, you can take a look at this Related Link website. It tries to find a suitable career path that matches your skills and interests, using artificial intelligence. It also has information regarding current salary of different careers:

Who can tell me online store that sells running shoes low arch?

I would go to There you can find many differerent shoes and can narrow it down to the shoes of your choice. I am sure it is possible to narrow it down to low arch shoes.

What is a 5 letter word for crowd in?

One possibility is wedge in.Another is in the following example sentence:Did stuff the drawer with socks?

How can you find recommendations for outdoor shops?

"When looking for outdoor shops, keep in mind what your needs are. Ask around to friends and people who share your interests to start. Compile a list then research each shop online or in person if, possible. Keep a pros and cons list to help narrow down your choices."