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Q: What is a governor not allowed to do in a charter colony?
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Who elected the governor and legislature in charter colonies?

Abarham Lincoln governed charter colonies

A charter that allowed the colonists to elect their own governor was called a?

royal charter

In which type of colony were the governor council and assembly usually elected by popular vote?

Charter Colony

What happens when Governor Andros arrives to take the charter Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Governor Andros orders that the charter for the colony be confiscated and taken to England. This action threatens the colonists' right to self-governance and autonomy under the charter, leading to tension and resistance within the community. Kit and other residents of the colony are fearful of the repercussions of losing their charter.

Definition of a charter colony?

A charter colony is a colony that was started with a charter. A charter is permission from the King or Queen to start a colony.

Which type of colony was best suited to and least affected by the policy of salutary neglect?

The type of colony was best suited to and least affected by the policy of salutary neglect is a charter colony. The charter colony was administered by elected governor. It is authorized by royal grant to founding grp.

Who were the colonists in charter colonies allowed to elect?

The colonists in charter colonies were allowed to elect their governors and both Houses. Colonists in the royal and proprietary colonies were only allowed to elect the Lower House, not the Upper House and governor.

Who could participate in government in Maryland in the 1600's?

The Proprietor and the Governor. It was established by Charter as a Feudal and Princely Colony.

Was the Pennsylvania Colony a Royal Charter Colony or a Proprietary Colony?

pennsylvaina is a charter

Was Rhode Island a charter colony?

Yes the Rhode Island colony is a charter colony.

Was South Carolina a proprietary charter or royal colony?

charter colony

How did the Mayflower Compact and the charter differ?

The Mayflower Compact was the Pilgrim's own form of government. A charter is a grant of authority (permission) from the king that they, the colonists, are allowed to start a colony.