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Q: What is a group of about W to 100 Roman soldiers called?
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What group had 80 roman soldiers?

The specific group of Roman soldiers that had 80 men was the century. It was led by the lowest ranking centurion. Sometimes because of the name "century" and being led by a "centurion" people erroneously think that there were 100 men in the group. This is incorrect. The words century/centurion came from the Roman voting assemblies called "centuria" not from the Latin word "centum" which means one hundred.

How many Roman soldiers made up a century in early Roman armies?

100 Wrong! this is a classic answer but it is actually 80 men who made up a century. The resources I have do say both answers and nine out of ten of them most say it was 80 men.

What are facts about roman foot soldiers?

Heres 4 to begin with........................Fact 1: give or take a few pounds, Roman soldiers carry approximately the same weight of equipment into battle as soldiers do today.Fact 2: Soldiers were paid partly in salt, this is where the phrase "being worth your salt" comes from.Fact 3 : Common belief would have it that he was 1 of 100 because he was called a centurion. However a man was part of a Legion, of about 5-6000 men, the Legions were split down into centurys of about 80 men. The leader of this century was called thecenturian.Fact 3 centurian.Fact 4: The captured tribesmen were put to use as Auxilia, their job was to form a human shield to protect the Roman soldiers.

What do you call a roman officer that is in command of 100 soldiers?

There was no Roman officer in command of 100 men. There is a misconception that a centurion commanded 100 men, but this is false. The Roman army had no unit consisting of 100. An officer called a centurion, commanded a century which was 80 men. According to some military historians, the title "centurion" did not originate from the root word for one hundred, centum, but from the root word centuria, which was the voting assembly. The army kept this term, in my opinion, for the sole purpose of confusing students 2000 years in the future.

What was the century and legion of the Roman military?

These were both Roman military terms for different groupings of soldiers. The Century, presided over by a Centurion, consisted of around 100 soldiers. The Legion usually consisted of around 6,000 soldiers.

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What was the leader of 100 roman soldiers called?

There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.There was no Roman leader of 100 soldiers. There was an officer called a centurion, but he led 80 men, not 100. Don't be misled by the title.

What is a roam officer in command of a 100 soldiers called?

There was no officer in command of 100 soldiers as there was no unit in the Roman army consisting of 100 men. You are confusing the title "centurion" with the number 100. A Roman centurion commanded 80 men, not 100.

What is twenieth century?

Years 1901 through 2000. Or perhaps the twentieth group of 100 Roman soldiers.

What group had 80 roman soldiers?

The specific group of Roman soldiers that had 80 men was the century. It was led by the lowest ranking centurion. Sometimes because of the name "century" and being led by a "centurion" people erroneously think that there were 100 men in the group. This is incorrect. The words century/centurion came from the Roman voting assemblies called "centuria" not from the Latin word "centum" which means one hundred.

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A group of knights is called a "brotherhood" or an "order."

Roman officer in command of 100 soldiers?


Is century a noun?

Yes, century is a noun, meaning 100 years, 100 Roman soldiers, or a car (model of Buick).

What was a group of Roman soldiers called?

The generic word for a soldier is "miles". However, Latin can be a very specific language and here are some adjectives that went along with the "miles" to indicate what soldier was being indicated. A "miles gregarius" was a common soldier, a private. A "miles pedes" was a foot soldier. and a "miles eques" was a horse soldier/cavalryman. A buddy, or a fellow soldier was a "miles commilito". If a man were in the marine corps he would be a "miles classicus".

What jobs did the roman cavalry do?

they were soilders on a hores and were sometimes the leader of the group. there were 150 cavalry in a group and and 100 legions

How many Roman soldiers made up a century in early Roman armies?

100 Wrong! this is a classic answer but it is actually 80 men who made up a century. The resources I have do say both answers and nine out of ten of them most say it was 80 men.

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What are facts about roman foot soldiers?

Heres 4 to begin with........................Fact 1: give or take a few pounds, Roman soldiers carry approximately the same weight of equipment into battle as soldiers do today.Fact 2: Soldiers were paid partly in salt, this is where the phrase "being worth your salt" comes from.Fact 3 : Common belief would have it that he was 1 of 100 because he was called a centurion. However a man was part of a Legion, of about 5-6000 men, the Legions were split down into centurys of about 80 men. The leader of this century was called thecenturian.Fact 3 centurian.Fact 4: The captured tribesmen were put to use as Auxilia, their job was to form a human shield to protect the Roman soldiers.