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Q: What is a group of cadets called?
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What are military trainees called?

Maggots They can also be called 'cadets'

What is a coast guard academy student called?

They are called Cadets.

What are some alumni networks at Texas A and M?

The alumni group at A&M is the Association of Former Students. The Corps of Cadets also has a former cadets organization.

Can girls be cadets?

Girl Scouts in the US in grades 6 to 8 are called Girl Scout Cadettes. There are other types of Cadets, such as an Air Force Academy Cadet, and yes, girls may be that kind of cadet also. Yes, Girls can be in cadets, for instance: Air Cadets, Army Cadets, Marine Cadets, Sea/Navy Cadets or cadets which are non-military such as Girl Scouts etc.

What are students that attend navy called?

They are usually known as naval cadets.

What is the collective noun of cadets?

The collective noun for cadets is a corp of cadets.

What is it called when a boy is becoming a soldier?

Boy soldiers (and girls) are known as cadets.

What is company in jrotc?

basically either the squad leaders or the small group of cadets that are chosen to stand in the front line

Is the army cadets beter than air cadets?

No, Air Cadets do everything the army cadets do, (Shooting, Drill, Camps, etc.) and more, The Air Cadets do all of those things as well as flying.

How do you say cadets in french?

Same thing - cadets.

Is army cadets the best of all cadets?

This would depend on what you think, this is a personal opinion question. however people like The Prince of Wales, Prince Charles did say "Air Cadets is the Biggest and best Organisation out of all the cadets" But yet again it's opinion Well being a corporal in army cadets but my opinion would be to pick army cadets but air cadets are just as good as army cadets with the bonus that air cadets get the chance to fly helicopters!

When was Vanguard Cadets created?

Vanguard Cadets was created in 1971.