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Mexicans are Native Americans

research the term Mexica


No. The mexicans are not Native American. If you ever tell a Native American that, you'll get beat up. The cultures are completely different. White people only say Mexicans are Native because of the Mayans and Aztecs and think that's pretty much the same.... which isn't true.

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Half breed is one name, Another name for these type of people is Barack.

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"Hapa" or "Hafu."

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Q: What is a half native American half Mexican person called?
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Note Mexican is a nationality, not a race or ethnic group. Actually, Mexican people can have several ethnicities, such as white, Native American, a mix known as "mestizo" and even Arab or Asian. Most Mexican people is already mestizo, or a mix of European and Native American. So the ethnicity would be 3/4 Native American, 1/4 European of Spanish ancestry.

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A person from Vietnam is called Vietnamese. If the person is an American, he or she might hyphenate it, like Vietnamese-American.

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A citizen of Mexico. Also mistakenly, as one person of white and Native American ancestry, also known as a mestizo.

What do you call a person who his perents are Mexicans and he is not Mexican?

Well, I hope what you're trying to ask is "What do you call a person who's parents were born in Mexico, but they were not." You call someone who was born in Mexico, Mexican. Someone who's parents are Mexican (Born in Mexico) they are called Mexican- Americans.

What is the term for a person who has a parent from Mexico and a parent from the USA and lives in the US?

I think that is called a Mexican-American.

What is the term used for a person of Mexican origan who is born in the us?

Any person born in the United States is Considered to be an American Citizen. A person of Mexican origin may call themselves Mexican American, but the correct term is American.

What do you call a person with of both native and American ancestry?

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