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a half woman and a half bird in The Odyssey is called a Siren.

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Q: What is a half woman and a half bird called in The Odyssey?
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What does a Siren look like?

half woman half bird

What is the Greek goddess of dance?

Terpsichore was the muse of dance and music ~she was the mother of the sirens who were half woman and half bird.

What is a half squirrel half bird called?

Are you sure you're not talking about a flying squirrel? They don't fly, but they glide. I don't think there is such thing as a half bird, half squirrel. If there is, combine bird and squirrel. (Squird or Birrel or something)

Which animal is called half fish and half girl?

No bird can be described as half bird/half mammal. The Duck Billed Platypus was thought to be a "mixture" of animal types when it was first discovered, but the "bill" is unlike a true bird's bill.

What is a half bird half human called?

There are a few different kinds of them. Harpie Sirens Bird-People

What is half woman half eagle called?

A harpy was a rapacious monster in Greek and Roman mythology which had the head and body of a woman and wings and talons, or was a bird of prey with a woman's face.Nice!It is actually unknown. A *Harpy* is a wierd greek and roman creature, yes, but a half-woman half-eagle is not a Harpy. Or at least not the Greek and Roman Harpy. There is another spelling of Harpy. It is: *Harpie*This is most likely the most logical answer for the question. Since it is not actually a defined word (Harpy= greek and roman), we can create or mold this word into a new definition :D*Harpie*: A half-female half-bird creature. Can be any type of bird, but most common is an eagle. Any other type of bird mix is extremely rare. Human female body, except for the wings, elf like ears, black eyes, claws, eagle like feet (claw in the heel, 2 "toe like" things with claws), and fangs. There is a very close picture of this Harpie or half-eagle half-woman. It is picture is called "Tug-A-War"It is in the "Graphites" section.

What type of mythological creature is a Harpy?

Part woman more than half bird. And they are not nice creatures.

Is there a half human half dog in existant?

No, it is not possible Not possible in this world. Humans and dogs have different number of chromosomes and can't interbreed. In reality no, our chromosomes are too different to be able to produce offspring.

Who is Michael jacksons half sisters mom?

A woman called Cheryl Terrell.

How were the sirens in greek mythology worshipped?

The sirens in Greek mythology were half woman half bird monsters that sang sweet songs to sailors that made them forget everything and crash their ships. No, they were not worshipped.

These half woman half bird monsters lured sailors to their death on the rocks with their songs?

You are confusing your female-associated monsters. Sirens were those mythological sea nymphs in Greek mythology that sang such songs that anyone who heard them had to approach, which caused the ships to sink and the sailors to drown, but they weren't "half-bird". Those were the Harpies.

Is it real that a woman is half snake and half woman?

no she not