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Q: What is a hematospermosis?
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What is hematospermosis?

Hematospermosis is the presence of blood in semen. Though most often benign and idiopathic, it is sometimes the result of urethral stricture, infected prostate, or a congenital bleeding disorder.

What does it mean if your semen is sometimes dark brown instead of clear-whitish?

Happened to me last night during wet dream. Scared the hell out of me. Went to Google, typed in "brown semen", and after sorting through the pervert stuff found some serious links. Turns out that it's more common than we think. Usually associated with prostate or UT infection. Often clears up on its own, or sometimes antibiotics are needed. Seems to be a higher incident among men who have benign prostate enlargement, like myself. And get this--I haven't had a wet dream in about a year; I had spent the weekend moving out of an apartment and into my Mom's home. All the lifting and toting and stress of it all caused my spastic colon to flare-up(it does so once in a blue moon.)I believe the spasms may have set the stage for the nocturnal emission, and may explain the discoloration that was present. In other words, there may have been a rupturing of some capillaries in the seminal vesicles that caused a condition called Hematospermosis, or occult-blood in the semen. Chronic occurrence behooves medical treatment---PSA--transrectal ultrasound--not to mention bleach in the wash water (HA!)And for those of you who aren't celibate, it might not hurt to put your love-life on hold for a while. Why create a "cumbersome" situation when you don't have to?There are some good herbal supplements which can improve both the consistency & quality of your semen. Added benefits are that it improves the color (making it more white) & also helps your overall penis health.If you are worried about this issue, consult your doctor for further advice