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bacteria, parasites

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Q: What is a herbivore omnivore or carnivore that is smaller than a jelly bean?
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Is jelly fish a carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

No; all jellyfish are carnivores.Jellyfish are not herbivores. They are carnivores that feed on zooplankton, fish eggs, and crustaceans. Jellyfish are invertebrate marine animals that belong to the phylum Cnidaria.

What is another word for meat?

The source of the meat might be used. Like poultry, beef, fowl, or seafood. Perhaps two words: animal protein.Carcass, (but this is really more of the animal not as much about the actual meat).Flesh or organs. Pork, beef, poultry, veal, etc.

Can ticks look like jelly beans?

No, they are smaller. They can grow roughly to the size of a coffee bean

Is a lizard a consumer or a produer?

Consumer. Trees are a producer, detritovores are a decomposer (worms) and everything between are consumers.

What is a jelly donut?

A jelly donut is a small cake like pastry with one hole in the center, that's the original pastry. Some person thought it would pastry tastic to fill the center with a mixture that is related to jelly. In the jelly donut, the hole isn;t removed its basically a smaller cake with a filling.

What is marine turtle favorite food?

Marine sea turtles mostly eat fish and jelly fish. The green sea turtle is the only one who is a herbivore, eating mainly sea grass.

Is a beatle a carnivore?

the eat pine tres by going into the tre and clogging the water way so the tre eventualy dies of thirst

Is royal jelly expensive?

The prices of royal jelly can range, depending on how much of it you buy etc. It is not actually that expensive. For 30 x 1500mg capsules of royal jelly it costs around £10. There are other technology to produce capsules, for example the concentrated freezing technology extract water out of Royal Jelly so they are in a form of powder and it will make the capsules lighter and smaller, can be kept fresh longer and no need to stored in the fridge. Even thought they are 400 mg per capsule, they are equivalent to 1500 mg capsules. Normal, capsule you find online are smaller than 1500mg and relative cheaper but personally I think taking more than 1500mg is the best amount. Smaller capsules means you need to take more pills per day. I have seen 166mg Royal Jelly powder capsules been sold £15 per 180 capsules. You either take not enough Royal Jelly or a lot of capsules. You really want to buy larger capsules such as 400mg dry Royal Jelly or 1500mg fresh ones.

What is the difference between jelly belly and jelly beans?

Jelly Belly is a brand of jelly beans.

What is the effect of size of uptake on diffusion in agar?

larger the size, the smaller the surface area to volume ratio, hence the slower the rate of diffusion into the agar jelly :)

Who are theherowill brycesee and thetraditz?

well duh, because its.... It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time!!! Where he at There he go Peanut butter jelly Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat Where he at There he go Peanut butter jelly Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat

Is there an orange jelly in jelly world?

Yes there is the URL is