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Don't try piercing it yourself. Get a professional to pierce it for you. I've added a picture for you to look at, sorry it's blurry, it's basically a woman who tried to pierce her own tongue. Don't wan't to EPIC fail? Get it done proffesionally!

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12y ago
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16y ago

Yes, with ice. But ice will only numb it for a little while. O.k., sure you can use ice or 1% lidocaine, which I do not suggest. but why bother?? In all actuality the tongue is the least painful of all the piercings... Yeah, I know, "But when I bite my tongue, it hurts so bad!!"you say....But where do you bite your tongue??? You bite it on the sides or the tip, not the middle where it's gonna be pierced....In the middle of the tongue you actually have many more taste bud nerve endings than pain nerve endings....The reason you have more pain endings there is so that you dont chew your tongue off during R.E.M. times while you sleep. And besides the tongue is a muscle not skin, and the numbing agent will only numb the surface, not all the way through.........Hope this helps.....

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10y ago

You shouldn't apply anything to your tongue as it can cause infection & irritation. The tongue piercing is actually one of the least painful.

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Q: Can you numb your tongue before piercing it?
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How can you numb your tongue before piercing?

If you are using the correct type of piercing equipment, you should not have to numb your tongue at all. Numbing the area before piercing could affect the healing process, and leave more opportunity to become infected. It is best to get a piercing done professionally, but if you are piercing at home, be sure to use the right sterile needles and tools. There should be little to no pain, making numbing unnecessary.

Do they numb tongues before peircing?

A tip is to suck on ice for an hour before the piercing, it will help to numb it.

Do they have to numb your tongue before pierceing?


Do professionals numb the penis before piercing?

No, I don't think so.

At liquid vision do they numb your naval before piercing?

none of the piercing shops that ive heard of numb you for a naval piercing i got mine when i was 13 and it doesnt hurt it feels like a pinch and then its over you just have to breathe

What is tongue piercing?

A tongue piercing is a piercing through the tongue or any part of the tongue, including the web underneath.

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what do you if you get a puss pocket in your tongue after a tongue a piercing"

When you num your cartilidge does it still hurt when you get it pierced?

The piercer won't numb your cartilage before piercing it.

Is it okay for you taste buds to hurt and feel numb after a tongue piercing?

Numbness is definitely not normal. I suggest that you go and see a doctor to figure out what is going on.

What colour should your tongue be after a tongue piercing?

The same as before the piercing. Look you will get a whitish film on your tongue once it's been done but generally a day or two after the piercing, it's nothing to worry about just stay in your ice and you will be fine.

What do you do if your tongue is numb and you have no taste budds?

i have a numb tonuge