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Q: What is a hunting technique that involves a group of hunters who are spread out and move to push the game towards other hunters waiting at the end of the cover?
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it dosent change

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The Mayas used the spear-thrower known today as an atlatl (really used to hurl long darts rather than spears), bows and arrows, spears, slings and clubs. When hunting deer (either the white-tail deer or brocket deer) the Maya often used a communal drive system, where as many as 20 hunters from a single village, along with trained hunting dogs, partly surrounded a certain area of land where deer were known to be feeding. Two hunters with dogs entered the area and drove the deer towards the semicircle of waiting men who were armed with bows. Their weaponry was very similar to the ones of the Aztecs.

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The warmer climate affected the Paleo-Indians environment. They were hunters and gatherers so they migrated towards Coastlines to catch fish.

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Why was bambi important?

First, Bugs Bunny excuse me, Feature length animal cartoon by the Disney studios. Somewhat heavy fare for its time. ( Bambi"s mother shot and killed by hunters) Animal life in the haunted forest seems idyllic except for hunters and a suspicious forest fire towards the climax. It is not explained how the fire started, but one assumes man the bad-guy. Had strong anti-hunting motive-despite being made during the War- l942

Do you need your hunting license if you have no gun while other people are hunting?

Depends on the laws where you are, and what you are doing. If you are assisting the hunter, such as by driving game towards them, MY state requires you to be licensed. Others may not.

How were Rainsford and General Zaroff the same?

Rainsford and General Zaroff are both skilled hunters who enjoy the thrill of the hunt. They are also both competitive and willing to go to great lengths to prove their superiority in hunting. However, their moral compass and attitude towards hunting ultimately differentiate them, as Rainsford values fair play and respect for life while Zaroff justifies his actions through his belief in his own superiority.

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Friendliness is the quality of being warm, kind, and sociable towards others. It involves showing consideration and respect towards people, being approachable and pleasant to interact with.

What is the proper sequence for a teacher using the technique for shaping?

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How did plains capture buffallos?

In order to capture buffaloes plains people employed a variety of different strategies. The most common methods included: Surrounding the herd Driving them into a corral Stampede trapping Drive lancesSurrounding the herd was the most common method used by plains people. This technique involved a group of hunters slowly surrounding a herd of buffalo eventually leading them into a large open area such as a prairie or clearing. The hunters would then close off the area creating a natural corral. Once the herd was trapped the hunters could then drive the buffalo in any direction they wanted often towards the village or camp for capture.Another technique used by plains people was driving the buffalo into a corral. This was done by first building a large circular corral with a gate at one end. The hunters would then drive the herd towards the corral while other hunters closed the gate. This corral was then used to capture the buffalo.Stampede trapping was another common method used to capture buffalo. This involved the hunters building a fence or corral in an area where the buffalo would naturally stampede. When the herd of buffalo began to run the hunters would close off the area trapping the buffalo inside. This was a very effective technique and could be used to capture large numbers of buffalo.The final method used by plains people to capture buffalo was drive lances. This involved the hunters driving lances into the buffalo to slow them down and make them easier to capture. This was a dangerous technique and was only used when other methods had failed.These were the most common methods used by plains people to capture buffalo. Each technique was designed to capture the buffalo in the most efficient and safe way possible ensuring the success of the hunt.