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Q: What is a hyperbole for the word cautious?
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What is the Tagalog word for hyperbole?

Tagalog translation of HYPERBOLE: pinagrabe

What is the Spanish word for cautious?

Cauteloso is the Spanish word for cautious.

Is cautious an adverb?

No, cautious is not an adverb. It is an adjective, with the adverb form "cautiously."

What is a sentence with the word hyperbole?

"The archaeologist was prone to hyperbole in describing his exploits."

Is cautious a common noun or proper noun?

The word "cautious" is not a noun; it's an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The noun form of the adjective "cautious" is cautiousness.The word "cautious" is the adjective form of the noun caution.

What word is the opposite of cautious?

The opposite of cautious is: Careless or Hasty

Is cautious a preposition?

No, "cautious" is an adjective that describes a person who is careful or vigilant.

What is the antonym of the word hyperbole?


How do you use the word cautious in a sentence?

That man was extremely cautious in his decision.

What is a sentence using the word cautious?

He was extra cautious driving on the icy roads. She was cautious not to break her new dishes.

What is the etymology of hyperbole?

The word "hyperbole" comes from the Greek word "hyperbolḗ," which means "exaggeration." It is derived from "hyper," meaning "beyond," and "bállein," meaning "to throw." So, hyperbole essentially means throwing beyond, or exaggerating, for rhetorical effect.

Can you give me a sentence using the word cautious?

I would be cautious about using that on your hair.