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Cardiac muscle

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Q: What is a involuntary muscle containing intercalated disks?
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Muscle tissue that has intercalated disks?

cardiac muscle cells are joined by intercalated disks.

The heart layer containing intercalated disks?

The layer of the heart containing intercalated disks is the myocardium. Myocardium is one of the tissues of the heart that is made of cardiac muscles.

What is the connections between cardiac muscle cells called?

Intercalated disks

Rapid transfer of electrical signals between cardiac muscle cells is promoted by?

the intercalated disks between the cells

Where are intercalated disks found?

inside Valerie's heart!! AWWWWW HOW CUTE! YAY FOR JACKIE

Adjacent cardiac muscle cells are firmly attached to each otherby modified plasma membranes called?

Intercalated Disks

What are the two types of cellular junctions found at intercalated disc?

Cardiac muscle is network of branched fibers (cells) connected by gap junctions called intercalated disks.

Cardiac muscle fibers are connected end-to-end by means of?

Cardiac muscle cells are linked together by intercalating discs that help to conduct the electrical impulse that makes them all beat together.

What role does the unique structure of cardiac muscle play in its function?

Cardiac muscle has what is known as intercalated disks. These connect heart muscle cells to each other, which allows an impulse (contraction) to move through the heart synchronously and therefore beat as it should.

What is the medical term meaning through the heart muscle?

MyocardiumStraited, Intercalted disks, Involuntary, and Branchinga. Striated b. Intercalated Discs d. Involuntary e. BranchingNot c. Multinucleated because cardiac muscle cells only have one nucleus (and very rarely two nuclei)The answer is a, b, d, and e.

Using a microscope how could you distinguish among the three muscle types?

Skeletal muscle is striated (strips lying on top of eachother) Cardiac muscle is similar but with "intercalated disks" so its like strips that are divided by little lines l~l~l~l and it is more branchy then skeletal.Smooth muscle is just blobish, no strips.

What is distinctive about cardiac muscle?

Unique anatomical feature of the Heart muscle is the presence of intercalated discs. They hold the heart cells together and allow the conduction of impulses between the cells. Also cells have a high quantity of mitochondria, for the provision of energy.