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they mostly eat zebras well that's what i know

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Q: What is a jaguars pray?
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Why does a jaguar move fast or slow?

Jaguars move slow to catch their pray,jaguars move fast to catch up with their pray.

Do jaguars eat each other?

yes, jaguars each other. only if they can not find any pray like Deer,birds,fishes armadillo,tapirs and more.

Do jaguars eat jaguars?


Can jaguars have twins?

Yes, Jaguars can have twins. Yes, Jaguars can have twins.

What is a collective noun for jaguars?

The collective nouns for jaguars are:a leap of jaguarsa prowl of jaguars

What is is group of jaguars called?

a group of jaguars are called prowl or a leap of jaguars

How do jaguars get diseases?

by other jaguars

Are jaguars vertabrates?

Yes jaguars are vertabrates.

Do jaguars eat insects?

no. jaguars are carnivores.

How did jaguars become extinct?

Jaguars are not extinct.

How do Jaguars Move?

jaguars move very fast and powerfull jaguars are slow they r not slow

Do jaguars eat kinkajou?

Jaguars do eat kinkajous because kinkajous have meat. Jaguars are meat eaters. In conclusion, jaguars do not eat plants, only animals.