

What is a jus sauce?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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A "jus" is nothing more than a posh word for gravy. It's from the French jus meaning juice.

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It means cooked in its own natural juice, i.e. with no added ingredients such as soy sauce or sugar.

Where did the term Au Jus come from?

The popular phrase, Au Jus, originates from the french phrase "within its own juices". The term refers to a light broth, and this is why Au Jus became a popular term amongst those in the culinary professions.

How do you make jus?

Jus is made from the natural meat juices and residue that collect in the pan when roasting a meat joint, skim off any excess fat, then deglaze the pan with water, stock or a little wine, then strain into a sauce boat and serve with the roast.

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What type of breakfast do they eat in Equatorial Guinea?

The people of Guinea eat Jollof rice, FooFoo. Cassava leaf sauce, Sweet potato leaf sauce, ground nut sauce (peanut). sweet potatoes, palm wine, ginger drink, jus debissap (sugar water and hibiscus tea).

How do you idenify a good quality jus roti?

To identify good quality jus roti, look for a roti that is soft, fluffy, and slightly crispy on the edges. The roti should not be overly oily or greasy. Additionally, a good quality roti will have a rich and savory flavor that complements the filling or sauce it is served with.