

What is a kennel of dogs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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it is a place where dogs are kept,taken care of, and sold

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Q: What is a kennel of dogs?
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Where dogs are kept in?

It is a kennel or kennels.

Are Dalmatians crossbreed dogs?

No, Dalmatians are pedigree dogs that are recognized by reputable kennel clubs, such as The Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club.

What is a populous kennel?

A populous kennel refers to a kennel that houses a large number of dogs. It is a place where multiple dogs are kept and cared for, often by professional breeders or dog trainers. Keeping a large population of dogs in a kennel requires responsible management to ensure their health and well-being.

Is a kennel a type of dog?

No,A kennel is what dogs sleep in if not in your cupboard or sumthin LOL

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Yes, Bernese Mountain Dogs are recognised by the Canadian Kennel Club and are in the Working Dogs group.

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Can dogs get Influenza?

No. Dogs cannot get The flu but they do get the kennel cough. Kennel cough is basiclly a doggie cold/flu. Hope this helped:)

What is who let the dogs out about?

Its about letting dogs out of the kennel. Ever watch Hotel For Dogs?

What is dog home called?

I would say doghouse. Maybe a kennel, but to me , kennel suggests a home for several dogs.

What is called a pack of dogs?

a pack of dogs is called a kennel

Who lives in a kennel?

Well mostly cats and dogs live in them , but imagin if there was a miniature version for mice and hamsters .

If a kennel can hold 50 more cats than dogs then kennel can holds 200 cats and dogs how many cats can it hold?