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At their 'caterpillar' stage, they will eat each other, but otherwise they are preyed upon by Spiders, birds, and larger omnivorous beetles.

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Q: What is a ladybugs predators?
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Can ladybugs eat bread and survive?

No. Most ladybugs are predators- they eat aphids.

Why do ladybugs smell?

Ladybugs let off an odor to deter predators from attacking them.

Why are black ladybugs black?

Ladybugs are red and black to remind predators that they taste awful.

Why are ladybugs red and black?

Ladybugs are red and black to remind predators that they taste awful.

How do ladybugs hide from predators?

Just by saying no.

Are ladybugs good flyers?

Ladybugs get around by flying and crawling. Ladybugs have to be decent flyers in order to escape from their predators, otherwise they would die.

What are some bug predators?

Ants , Ladybugs , the mantis ,

What veggies do ladybugs like?

They are insect predators-aphids are a staple of their diet.

What do you normally feed a ladybug?

Most ladybugs are predators and they normally feed on aphids.

What are the behavioral adaptations of a ladybug?

they play dead, because predators that do eat ladybugs.

Can a ladybug live off of only bananas?

No, ladybugs cannot survive on a diet of bananas. ladybugs are predators which eat smaller insects such as greenflies and aphids.

Is a black ladybird poisonous?

Ladybugs are not poisonous. Sometime when ingest the can have toxic like effects on predators. This will teach predators to refrain from eating them similar to the foul taste of a monarch butterfly.