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Q: What is a lane marking that signals you may pass?
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You can legally pass on the right A Using the exit lane on the freeway B When the car to the left is making a left turn and you have a lane to pass C When there is an open parking lane wi?

The question is incomplete, but from the options given, answer "C" is INCORRECT. You may never using a parking lane to pass.

If you see double solid lines on two-lane roadways you should know that?

You cannot pass the vehicle in front of you, and those in the opposite lane may not pass either.

What is double marking and when is it used in netball?

Double marking is when two people are marking one person. It may happen on a centre pass. The centre without the ball may go and mark GA or WA because this is the popular position to throw it too.

You may pass another vehicle on the right if it is waiting to?

Never. The only time you can pass another vehicle on the right is if there is a lane on that side you can go into to pass it.

A line means that you may cross into the oncoming lane in order to pass?

Dashed Yellow Line.

When driving on a two-lane roadway you may pass the vehicle in front you if?

driving on a two-lane roadway you may pass the vehicle in front you if?

When the center of a roadway has a combination of a solid yellow and broken Yellow line you may?

If the broken yellow is on YOUR side, you may pass when safe to do so. You must have your car back in your lane before the lines become double solid yellow. If the broken line is on the other side, that lane may pass if safe to do so. If a stretch of road has only a broken yellow line, either lane may pass IF safe but you must now be extra cautious as to what drivers intend to do.

When the center of a roadway has a combination of a solid yellow and a broken yellow line you may?

If the broken yellow is on YOUR side, you may pass when safe to do so. You must have your car back in your lane before the lines become double solid yellow. If the broken line is on the other side, that lane may pass if safe to do so. If a stretch of road has only a broken yellow line, either lane may pass IF safe but you must now be extra cautious as to what drivers intend to do.

Is the left lane the passing lane?

That depends on which country you a driving in.

What does it mean When you see a yellow X lane signal?

prepare to leave the lane safely Explanation: Lane signals are used: -When the direction of the flow of traffic changes during the day. -To show that a toll booth is open or closed. -To show which lanes are opened or closed. You must never drive in a lane under a red X. A yellow X means that your lane signal is going to change to red. Prepare to leave the lane safely. You may drive in lanes beneath the green arrow, but you must also obey all other signs and signals.

When driving slower than the flow of traffic?

When you are in a country that drives on the right, then generally you should drive in the right lane; the left lane is for passing. When you are in a country that drives on the left, then generally you should drive in the left lane; the right hand lane is for passing only.

When can you legally pass on the right?

IN COUNTRIES WHERE THEY DRIVE ON THE RIGHT:When there are three or more lanes of traffic going the same direction it is usually considered legal to pass on the right. Also, when the car to the left is making a left turn and you have a lane to pass. IN COUNTRIES WHERE THEY DRIVE ON THE LEFT: ... it is normal to pass on the right.In such situations, such as in the UK, the rules for overtaking on the left are:* only overtake on the left if the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right, and there is room to do so * stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left. * On motorways, ... in congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right.