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Q: What is a large board called for displaying advertisements?
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What is the name of the hook used to land a fish?

If you are referring to the large hook that people use to pull the fish on board a boat, that is called a gaff. If you are referring to the large hook that people use to pull the fish on board a boat, that is called a gaff.

How much money are tv advertisements?

Expenditure on Advertisements is one of the main expenditures large organizations incur. Every organization would spend atleast 2-5% of their revenue on advertisements to reach out to new customers and to retain existing customer base. If every company shells out 2% of their revenue imagine the kind of money involved in advertisements. It is billions and billions of dollars.

How do you conduct church business meetings?

my church has an executive board, called the BSL (Board of Srevant Leaders) that makes large decisions among our congregation. Our pastor of finances takes care of all of the financial aspects of our ministries.

Why large hoarding of commercial advertisements on roads have been banned?

"hoarding" doesn't apply to that situation. it's another word..."monopolizing."

What is junkmail?

Junk mail refers to advertisements that are sent out to large numbers of people, rather than mail that is addressed to a specific individual.

What are exhibitions?

Exhibitions are large events that give a business or company the opportunity to promote themselves, or alternatively it could be an artist or designer displaying their work

Where can someone buy a large pin board?

There are many places that one can purchase a large pin board. Once can go to a large stationary store such as Staples, a office supplies retailer or online via sites such as Amazon.

Where do you go to board ship?

To board a ship you would go to the ocean or a large body of water. You would use a gangplank or gangway to board the ship.

Where do you go to board a ship?

To board a ship you would go to the ocean or a large body of water. You would use a gangplank or gangway to board the ship.

What are the measurements of a 1 by 10 board?

The answer depends on how large each unit is.

How do you cut a large tenderloin?

Always cut meat across the grain. In the case of a tenderloin cut what is called medalions. Lay the meat on the cutting board and and cut your steaks across the loin.