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Q: What is a layer of iridium deposited all over earth?
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What era had a layer of iridium deposited all over Earth?

End of the Mesozoic era

Why can the iridium sediment layer be used as evidence to support the main theory about the extinction of the dinosaurs?

High concentrations of iridium appears in a layer called the K-T boundary which corresponds to the time of the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs. Iridium is a metal that is rare on earth but common on many bodies in outer space such as asteroids. It is believed that an asteroid collided with earth 65.5 million years ago, setting in motion events that would cause a mass extinction, spreading a layer of iridum in the process.

What is the area of the ozone layer?

The ozone layer is spread all over. It is over the whole earth.

The study of the layers of earth that have been deposited over a long period of time?

The study of the layers of the Earth that have been deposited over a long period of time is called stratigraphy. This field helps scientists understand the chronological order of rock layers and their composition, providing insight into the Earth's past environments and geologic history. Stratigraphy is crucial for interpreting the history of life on Earth and understanding past climate changes.

Where is the ozone layer formed and stored?

Ozone layer is formed all over the earth. It is there in stratospheric layer.

Why is the ozone layer is essential to the survival of life on earth?

Ozone layer protects us from the UV rays. These rays are harmful for life on earth.

Why is the extinction of the dinosaurs attributed to an asteroid impact?

The original observation was that in the fossil records there is a layer with high levels of iridium and osmium at the time of dinosaur extinction. Iridium and osmium are common is asteroids. For the layer to be all over the globe it must have been a major strike which would have caused global wide climate change causing a mass extinction.

What happens to the ozone layer surronding the earth?

The ozone layer surrounding earth is being depleted. It is due to the use of CFC's.

What mean ozen layer?

Ozone layer is a protective layer over the earth. It protects us from the UV rays of the sun.

What is significant about the discovery of iridium at the K-T boundry?

Iridium is a very rare element in Earth's crust, however rocks that have an age equal to that of the K-T boundary are significantly enriched in iridium. It is theorised that this enrichment is due to the impact of an asteroid with Earth (as asteroids are rich in iridium and the resultant massive explosion spread iridium enriched debris all over the world). This asteroid impact is thought to have been a significant event in the mass extinction even that wiped out the dinosaurs. This is known as the Alverez hypothesis. For more information, please see the related link.

Whae is ozone layer depletion?

Ozone layer depletion is the thinning of ozone layer. It is most evident over the poles on earth.

How does coal gets between layers of shale?

First, a layer of clay that would turn to shale was deposited. Next, a layer of plant life that would become coal was deposited, then another layer of clay. Over time, the clay became shale, and the plants became coal. Sort of like how did the blanket on your bed get between the sheets and the bedspread? You put on the sheets, then the blanket, then the bedspread.