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Q: What is a lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy lifestyle habits and working to overcome unhealthy ones?
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Your doctor can help you come up with an effective plan for diabetes management. This typically involves medication and healthy lifestyle changes. A diet rich in produce, lean protein and whole grains and exercise is advised.

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This is a sedentary lifestyle.

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Lead management basically involves cultivating personal relationships with prospective clients. The relationships that are formed then help to predict what kinds of sales and repeat sales will be generated. For example, drug representatives visit doctors offices. They form relationships with the employees in order to make a smoother environment when going to the office to push sales.

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Risk management involves predicting potential threats and determining the best strategy to deal with those threats, crisis management involves dealing with threats after they have occurred.

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What is horticulture and how does it work?

Horticulture is the practice of growing plants for food, medicine, ornamental purposes, or landscaping. It involves various techniques such as planting, cultivating, harvesting, and propagating crops. Horticulture also includes the study of plant cultivation, soil management, pest and disease control, and sustainable practices to ensure plant health and productivity.

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What makes a person healty?

The absence of diseases and illnesses. A lifestyle that involves exercise and a proper diet

What is personel management?

Personnel management is an administrative task which involves hiring and training employees for a specific role. This is similar to human resource management.

Spelling abrieviation of management?

The spelling abbreviation of management is "mgmt". Management refers to the act of running or managing something. It involves providing direction.

Management is what management does?

management is a process which involves process of planning,organizing ,directing and controlling the organization resources in order to achieve the organizations goals.