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Q: What is a likely reason the western portion of the colonies were generally settled after area along the coast had been settled?
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What was the western colonies?

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Where did the immigrants settle when they came to America?

From the time of the colonies, America has been the land of immigrants. They have settled in all areas of the country from the thirteen colonies on the east coast all the way out the western boundary of the Pacific Ocean.

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South Australia and Western Australia were the two Austalian colonies to be settled by free settlers alone, with no convict presence. Only South Australia, however, remained convict-free, as Western Australia campaigned to have convicts to use as free labour about fifteen years after the initial settlement.

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The western third of the continent of Australia is the state of Western Australia.

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The Mississippi river forms the western border of the southern colonies.

What natural barrier forms the western border of the southern colonies?

The Mississippi river forms the western border of the southern colonies.

What development brought an end to the western frontier in 1890?

Most of Western America had been settled.

Were the original colonies located on the eastern or the western coast?

Western part

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What western boundary did all colonies have in common?

There was no common boundaries of the 13 colonies