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Q: What is a list of related objects including folders programs and commands?
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Nearly every item on the windows vista desktop is considered?

Nearly every item on the windows vista desktop is considered a object. Objects found on the desktops can be short cuts for programs folders an icons representing background programs running.

What commands found with the Align commands evenly space objects horizontally or vertically relative to each other or the slide?

Distribute Commands

What includes commands that allow you to insert various objects?

Insert Tab

What appears when you right click an objects frequently used commands?

Shortcut menu

Do programmers name objects in their programs?


What objects are made out of thermoplastics?

There are scores of objects that are made out of thermoplastic. Some of them are plastic food containers especially those that are microwave safe, stationery folders, storage bins and CD cases.

Explain various DDl commands in SQL?

DDL (Data Definition Language) commands in SQL are used to define the structure of database objects. Some common DDL commands include: CREATE: Used to create database objects like tables, views, indexes, etc. ALTER: Used to modify the structure of existing database objects. DROP: Used to delete database objects. TRUNCATE: Used to delete all records from a table.

What are some objects in school that are made from a machine?

bean bags,dolls,toys,books,folders,posters and more!Hope I helped you:)

Which pointing device action should you use for selecting objects or commands opening menus or items on the taskbar?


What is A Computer Interface That Enables A User To Launch Commands By Pointing And Clicking At Graphical Objects?

A mouse or trac-pad

Advantages of graphical users interface?

The main advantage of a Graphical User Interface is that it makes use of the WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) method of representation of logical objects (like files, folders etc). This is a much user- friendly platform than the CUI (Character User Interface) which requires the user to memorize a lot of commands, syntaxes and parameters in order to be able to work on the CUI.

What are the uses of the left and right buttons on the mouse?

The left mouse button is the one which is mostly used by the computer user. It is used for clicking and double clicking objects. Clicking is used to select objects, whereas double clicking is used for opening objects on the computer. Another important thing that the left mouse button can be used for is dragging things on the computer. On the other hand, the right mouse button allows the computer user to select from a list of commands that can be used to instruct the computer to perform a certain action. It can be used to change the background of the computer, create folders, rename files and folders.