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Q: What is a low lying cecum in the anterior pelvis?
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What is a Low anterior resection?

A Low Anterior Resection is an operation to remove rectal cancers which are very low in the pelvis but not low enough to warrant surgery on the rectal sphincters. In surgical terms, this means at least 2 cm margin from the levator ani.

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Having a left lateral anterior placenta means that the placenta is low lying. This can cause problems during delivery oftentimes necessitating a C-section.

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Some low lying land types are:ValleyFarewellMarshLow pointHollowLow-lying areaSheltered spotCrooner JerryDellLow-lying wetland

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Low lying area with large stretches of land

What is meant by low lying areas?

Low-lying areas are areas that have a lower elevation than surrounding areas.

What is a low lying land between hills or mountains called?

A low lying land between hills or mountains is called a valley

Is a surgical clip of the pelvis on ex-ray normal?

i had a laparoscopic low anterior resection in October 2010. I reasonably had and x-ray done and found out that there was 2 surgical clips projected overlying the pelvic inlet centrally. Could you tell me if this is normal to leave the clips in the body?

What is a low lying country?


What is the most low lying country?

I don't know really, but the two most low lying countries I know are Holland & Bangladesh.

What is icd-9 code for laparoscopic low anterior resection?
