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A Plasma Cutter

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What machine uses superheated gas to slice though steel?

Plasma cutter

Was Excalibur made of iron or steel?

Neither, but it could slice through iron.

Does steel expand or compress when heated?

The steel would EXPAND

What temperature does mild steel need to be heated for thermal cutting to occur?

heated up to kindling temperature of the mild steel

How do you shuck steel as referenced in an Eric Clapton song?

the cooled steel was run through a wicked, backbreaking machine called a straightener. the steel came out of the rollers and was hopped by hand into a pile

How do you check mild steel and carbon steel?

through a utm machine tensile force is act on both bodies and check stress strain diagram and then eaisly find that who is steel and who is carbon

What is red-shortness in steel?

is the steel which breaks as it's heated to red hot

Can you use heated steel as reinforcement?

yes it can be used

Does the mass of a steel tube increase when it is heated from 30 degrees to 60 degrees?

When steel (or indeed anything) is heated its mass does not change. Volume is altered by cooling and heating. In this case the volume of the steel would increase.

Why does the steel spoon get hot in liquid?

If the liquid is hot,the spoon get heated because steel is an insulator

How do you manufacture carbon steel tubing?

A flat strip of steel is heated, and passes through rollers that curl the edges up and around until they meet. That joint is welded by a continuous welder. The strip is now a tube.

How did the bessemer process?

Blasts of cold air were blow through heated iron to remove impurities. The result was much stronger more workable than steel.