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Goebbels uses combative language to incite aggression in Germans while Hirohito's speech uses businesslike language to inform Japanese citizens.

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Cheryl Beard

Lvl 10
2y ago

Goebbels uses combative language to incite aggression in Germans while Hirohito's speech uses businesslike language to inform Japanese citizens.

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What is the difference between a monodrama and a monologue?

A monodrama has a beginning, middle and end, where a monologue can just be a fragment of speech spoken in soliloquy.

Because the speaker can count on the audience to make the connections between what he or she is saying and the historical context in which the speech occurs?

the speaker can often count on the audience to make the connection between the words in the speech and the context in which he or she is speaking.

What major difference between aria and recitative?

Arias are melodic, while recitative is closer to speech.

What is the difference between poems and plays?

plays are made with characters and scripts and are performed with actions according to the script, poems don't need to have so much depth and do not need gestures/actions to express the poem/script.

What is the difference between the voice and diction of ordinary conversation and the voice and diction onstage?

Voiceis the sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song. Dictation is the selection and pronunciation of words and their combinations in speech and these two things go hand in hand. The difference between voice and dictation when you are having an ordinary conversation is quite different then when you are onstage. When having a normal conversation you are using a lower voice tone along with using a different way of articulation of words. Your dictation may also be quite different because you are not speaking to a large audience, it may be 1 or 2 people and you don't have to project your voice as much. When performing on stage, you have toproject your voice to your large audience while also being sure that you dictate your words clearly so the audience can understand what you’re saying.

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What is a major difference between Goebbels's 1943 speech and hirohitos's speech?

Goebbels uses combative language to incite aggression in Germans while Hirohito's speech uses businesslike language to inform Japanese citizens.

What is a major difference between goebbels 1943 speech and hirohitos speech?

Goebbels uses combative language to incite aggression in Germans while Hirohito's speech uses businesslike language to inform Japanese citizens.

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no its the same.

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Television speech are visual while radio speech are audio

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parts of speech is the different types of words in a sentence.Figures of speech is how you speak


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Communication covers all the different aspects of information transfer. Speech is one of those aspects.

What is the main difference between Goebbels speech and Hirohito's speech?

Both men made several speeches, you need to be more specific

What is the difference between receptive and expressive aphasia?

Receptive: Can't understand speech. Expressive: Can't produce speech (can't speak)

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Words are classified as parts of speech based on their function as a word. If they are classified based on their role in the sentence, they are parts of a sentence. (there is not much difference between the two, but there is a difference)