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It Produces greenhouse gases and it pollutes the atmosphere when burned

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Q: What is a major disatvantage of using fossils fuels?
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What is the problum with using these fossils fuels to turn turbines and creating electricity?


How does using bike powered energy stop us from wasting fossil fuels?

it stops us from using the power from the mains that is made from fossils fuels.

Why is using fossil fuels considered unsustainable?

Notice the word "fossils " this is no mistake. After millions of years of heat and pressure the fossils became oil and other fuels that we use. Once gone they are gone because we don't have the time that it took for the death of dinosaurs to make it.

Why do you keep using fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are made from fossils. But why do we use them? They are nonrenewable resources like coal, oil and gas. They can run out and never be used again. We keep using them because we haven't found a replacement resource. By Cassie, age 9.

Name one major problem caused by using fossil fuels?

acid rain sound pollution

What is the major source of power generation in US and why?

Fossil fuels, suck as burning coal or using oil

Why are we still using fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels and uranium

Why are fossils considered nonrenewable?

Because fossil fuels take hundreds of millions of years to form under the Earth's surface. It will take another million years for more to be produced, so we only have a limited supply. Eventually, more fossils will be made, but by then we will have run out by how much we use them now. If we stop using them so much than we wont die like we are going to. So essentially, all fossil fuels are considered non-renewable.

How does population affect fossil fuels?

Population affects fossill fuels by people using the fossil fuels

Why should you stop using fossil fuels?

There will eventually be no fossil fuels to use in the world.

What is a safety precautions when using a fuels and fire?

It is the ways of protecting yourself from fuels and fire.

What is A sentence using fossil in it?

I love fossils