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If you are referring to Web Design, click on the spot you are being told is the "insertion point", which makes that spot your insertion point. Depending on what program you are using (such as Dreamweaver) , you may have to press the shift/enter key, and other programs you only have to hit the enter key. Hope that helps!

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Q: What is a manual line break at the insertion point?
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To move the insertion point to the next line without pressing enter and without creating a new paragraph insert a manual?

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What is a Point of Insertion?

A point of insertion is also called the insertion point. The point of insertion is the place, or point, in a graphics program where the next character that you type will show on the screen. The point is typically shown with a vertical line that is blinking.

Advances the insertion points to the next physical line?

line break

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a. paragraph break character b. nonbreaking space c. line break character d. nonbreaking hyphen ?which one is it?

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Press the SHIFT key to move the insertion point down a line and return to the left margin.

What is the Blinking line when typing?

The blinking line that indicates where the text will appear when you start typing is called the insertion point (sometimes also known as the active cell).

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Pressing Home will move your insertion point to the beginning of the current line.