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Q: What is a mass of nerve tissue that receives and sends nerve impulses?
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A synapse is the space between what?

Usually from the axon of one nerve to the dendrite of another. The axon sends impulses away from the nerve body, and the dendrite receives impulses from other nerves.

Where does the spinal nerve take nerve impulses?

the spinal nerve sends nerve impulses away from the CNS

Type of tissue that sends electrical signals through the body?

Nerve cells can transmit electrical impulses throughout the body.

Which cranial nerve sends sensory impulses from the teeth?


What is a difference between optic nerve and auditory nerve?

Optic nerve is found in the eye which sends the nerve impulses from the eye to the brain. The auditory nerve is present in the ear and sends the nerve impulses from the ear to the brain. They both have the same functions though they're present in different places.

What kind of cells sends and receives messages?

nerve cells...........

What is the role of a dendrite in the neuron?

It receives impulses from other neurons, and then sends those nerve impulses to the body of the cell, where they are added together at the axon hillock, and if they provide a sufficient strength (voltage, potential), an action potential will fire in the output of the neuron, the axon.

What is an axon and what is its job?

An axon is the extension of a neuron and it sends nerve impulses away from the cell. In simpler words it is the "tail" of a nerve cell which sends messages to other cells.

What kind of of tissue sends messages from the brain to the rest of the body?

nerve tissue

Extension of a neuron that sends impulses to other nerve cells or to muscles or glands?


How do eye cells communicate with muscle cells?

The eye cells transmit nerve impulses to the brain, which translates the signal and transmits nerve impulses to the muscles. Information from sensory organs, including the eyes, ears, tongue, and skin, are transmitted by nerve impulses directly to the brain. The brain acting as the control center of the body interprets the nerve impulses. It then sends out different nerve impulses to other cells of the body if a response to the sensory signals is needed.

What type of tissue that transmits nerve impulses throughout the body?

its got seven letters but i dont know the answer Neurons - travel from the brain to a specific part of the body