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The British Heart Foundation diet is a 3 day diet meal plan that consists of a low calorie intake with some nutritional balance. The diet claims you can lose up to 10 pounds in the 3 days.

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Q: What is a meant by a british heart foundation diet?
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Where can I find out more about british heart foundation diet?

This diet (Not endorsed by the actual British Heart Foundation) claims to offer an unhealthy rate of weight loss. These are diets to be wary of. More information can be found at:

Does the british heart foundation diet work?

The British heart foundation diet can work if only you are dedicated and only follow their instruction on diet such as schedule, what kind of food your allowed to eat, etc.

What exactly is the British Heart Foundation diet?

The british heart foundation diet aka Greenlane diet is a fake diet that originated in the UK that has been circulating around for a while. It claimed you could loose around 10 pounds in around a few days.

British Heart Foundation Diet Discredited by Most Experts?

The British Heart Foundation Diet, which claims to have participants losing 10 pounds in three days, is somewhat of an urban legend as it was not developed by the British Heart Foundation, nor is it endorsed by the organization. It is alternately called the Greenlane Diet. Word-of-mouth is primarily responsible for the spread of this diet. The duration of this diet is only three days and the menu for that time is very specific. Foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner during this three days are specifically delineated. The diet is very low in calories, at approximatlely 700 per day.

Where can advice on a cholesterol lowering diet be found?

Initially your doctor should have provided you with some information on how to lower your cholesterol. For more information on low cholesterol diets visit websites such as the NHS or British Heart Foundation.

What are some heart healthy recipes?

I would recommend the British Heart Foundation, they have a whole section on heart healthy eating with recipes, advice and diet plans. They even have an app you can download to find some good recipes.

How does exercise impact senior's health?

Proper diet and regular exercise form the foundation of senior health. A nutritional diet and physical activity can help prevent diseases such as cancer,stroke,heart disease, and diabetes. can help manage diabetes,high blood pressure,and heart disease.

Where can I find info on sacred heart diet online?

The sacred heart diet is a 7 day diet plan. This website has information and recipes regarding the sacred heart diet.

What is a good diet for heart health?

A heart bypass is a very serious procedure that must be followed with a heart healthy diet. You can go to the website to find out exactly what this heart healthy diet entails.

Is the p90x diet plan an effective way to lose weight?

The National Health Foundation deemed the p90x Diet Plan unsafe and unhealthy. While it is a quick way to lost a few pounds, it causes heart problems in the long run.

Can Heart problems be caused by an unbalanced diet?

yeah your heart can be effected by an unbalanced diet?

What is meant by exercise diet weight loss?

That just means an exercise meant for weight loss and fat loss. It would really involve toning and high energy moves that get your heart rate pumping which will burn fat.