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The variable you measure is called the dependant variable.

A dependant variable is what you observe or measure to get your results.
The dependent variable.

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Q: What is a measured outcome variable in a experiment called?
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A variable measured in an experiment?

The variable measured in an experiment is called the dependent variable" the outcome factor". In contrast, the independent variable is the experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable who effect is being studied.

Something the effects the outcome of an experiment is called a?

a variable

Behavior that is measured in an experiment is called the?

The dependant variable.

What is the factor being tested in an experiment called?

The factor that is being tested in an experiment is called a variable. The factor that is measured or observed is called the dependent variable.

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What is a minipulated variable for a science experiment?

A manipulated variable is one that the scientist or tester is testing and changing. It is also called the independent variable. The responding variable is the one that responds to the changes and is measured for results. It is also called the dependent variable.

The variable that a scientist changes when conducting an experiment is called the variable?

A factor that can be changed in an experiment is called an independent variable.

. The variable that a scientist changes when conducting an experiment is called the variable.?

A factor that can be changed in an experiment is called an independent variable.

What is a variable that is change in an experiment?

The dependent variable is the variable that can change in an experiment.

In an experiment the factor that is deliberately manipulated also called the manipulated variable?

In an experiment, a factor or condition that is deliberately manipulated in order to determine whether it causes any change in another behavior or condition is an independent variable. The factor or condition that is measured at the end of an experiment and is presumed to vary as a result of the manipulations of the independent variables is called the dependent variable.

What is the variable called that is not changed in an experiment?

constant variable

In an experiment the manipulated variable is called what?

independent variable