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Q: What are people in California called?
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What are people from the state of California called?


Who are people employed by the legislative branch of California?

California legislators are called Assemblymen.

The people who rushed to California to seacrch for gold were called?

The miners went to California in the gold rush were called 49ers.

What are people who live in California called?


What was the event called the people rush to California 1849?

The Gold Rush

What were people called that hurried to California during the gold rush?


How many members are there in the state assembly of California?

There are 80 members of the California Assembly.

People who went to California to look for gold were called?

People who responded to new gold strikes and moved in response to where there were new strikes were called prospectors.

What were the people who went to California during the Gold Rush called?

They were called "forty-niners" because most traveled there in 1849.

What was called California called before?

Territorio de Alta California (Spanish for Upper California Territories)

Why are the San Francisco called the 49'ers?

When James W. Marshall discovered gold at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California in 1849 there was a major gold rush to the area. Tens of thousands of people people from all over the world flooded into California hoping to strike it rich. These people were were called '49ers

Where was skateboarding made?

People actually think that it was originated in either Hawaii or Southern California for when the tides were low. it was called 'sidewalk Surfing' at the time.