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Q: What is a member of the alkaline metals used to make fireworks and medicine?
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What is used to make fireworks and is a member of the alkaline earth metals?


You are a member of the alkaline earth metals used to make fireworks and medicines?


What is a member of the alkaline earth metals used to make fireworks and medicines what is it?

The answer is MAGNESIUM!

I am a member of the alkaline earth metals used to make fireworks and medicines what am i?


What element is a member of the alkaline earth metals used to make fireworks and medicinal?

The answer is Potassium.

What member of the Alkali earth metals is used to make fireworks and medicine?

Barium and Strontium are both used in medicines and to add colours to fireworks.

Which group of s-block elements might you find in fireworks?

alkaline earth metals

What Element is used in fireworks and medicine and is a alkaline earth metal?

All sorts of alkaline metals are used in fireworks; the one that is also used in medecine is probably magnesium, although some others are found.

Mg is a member of which family?

Alkaline Earth Metals

What is a element of the alkaline earth metals that is used to make fireworks and medicines?

Magnesium is used both in making fireworks and medicines.

Similar in nature to the other alkaline earth metals salts of this metal are used in flares and fireworks?


What metal is used in fireworks and why?

non metals- it contains substances that make fireworks burst!