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Q: What is a metaphor for 'he was through all their trouble'?
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Is it a metaphor for He was a beast through all their trouble?

Yes, describing someone as "a beast" can be considered a metaphor. In this context, it implies that the person behaved in a wild or aggressive manner during their difficulties.

Do these sentences sound correct 1 you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble 2 you didn't need to go to all this trouble 3 you didn't need to go through all this trouble 4 you shouldn't have gone th?

Yes, the following sentences sound correct. You shouldn't gave gone to all this trouble. You didn't need to go to all this trouble. You didn't need to go through all this trouble. You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble.

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"Glad Game" as a metaphor for finding positivity and gratitude in all situations. The "Glad Heart" as a metaphor for maintaining a positive and hopeful outlook on life. The town of Beldingsville as a metaphor for a community that learns to embrace and spread joy through Pollyanna's influence.

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The metaphor for the book Catalyst is Catalyst has to do with changes and Kate has to go through a lot of changes.

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What is a metaphor for someone who is not well behaved?

he is a sly fox always getting into trouble

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If something is literally water-tight it means that no water can pass through it. The metaphor means that the security is so good that nothing can get through it.

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What does the metaphor trouble was your constant dark companion mean?

This metaphor suggests that trouble is something always present in your life, shadowing your every step like a loyal but burdensome companion. It signifies that difficulties or challenges are an enduring part of your experiences, always with you no matter where you go.