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Hope is the yellow brick road to the city of Oz.

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1mo ago

"Hope is a light at the end of the tunnel, guiding us through the darkness and uncertainty towards a brighter future."

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Q: What is a metaphor for hope?
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What is a metaphor and how do you use it?

A metaphor directly substitute one thing for another as a comparison. Instead of using a simile, "Hope is like a bird," the metaphor might be, "Hope is a thing with feathers."

What is the metaphor of impossible?

a common metaphor I've seen is"when pigs fly"hope i helped_________X__

What a example of a metaphor?

"Hope is a thing with feathers."

What is metaphor for barking dog?

Not sure :-) Hope I helped!

Which poetic device is this hope is a sparkle in your twinkling eyes?

A metaphor.

Is cool in a crisis a metaphor?

not really but a cool crisis will be. hope this helps

What is the relationship between the thing with feathers and hope in the poem?

Metaphor -yw :)

Is the quote 'Hope is the thing with feathers-That perches in the soul a metaphor or personification?

It is certainly a metaphor , since in this poem the bird with all its beautiful and delicate qualities stands for a human emotion - Hope, whereas personification is attribution of human qualities to an object/ phenomenon.

How is this a metaphor ''hope is the things with feathers that perches in the soul''?

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which an implicit comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.

What is significant about the metaphor the children use?

The children use a metaphor for their journey that symbolizes hope and freedom. It represents their determination to escape their oppressive environment and start a new life. The metaphor also highlights the power of imagination and resilience in overcoming challenges.

What is a metaphor for blond hair?

Her hair was a golden apple falling from a tree I hope it works and okay

What is a metaphor using the word food pyramid?

The food pyramid is my life line. hope that helps! :) -TayTay