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"The Holocaust was a dark chapter in human history, akin to a shadow cast over the world's conscience."

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Q: What is a metaphor for the holocaust?
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What is a sentence with the word Holocaust?

(The word holocaust means destruction, especially from a great fire. The metaphor was applied to the capitalized Holocaust, referring to the Nazi extermination of Jews during World War II.)"The family was fortunate that the firemen saved them from the holocaust.""The Holocaust was a an evil and tragic event that took place in the second World War.""His mother lost both of her uncles in the Holocaust."

How might the metaphor civilization of dolls be important to the story The boy in the striped pajamas?

It symbolizes how many Jewish girls were killed due in the holocaust... About 3 million Jewish girls were killed in the holocaust!

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Its a metaphor

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It is a metaphor.

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it is neither, it is personification

What does it mean when you dream about the holocost?

Your mind is using the Holocaust as a metaphor to represent something awful that is happening or that you are afraid might happen in your own life. The dream is not predicting the future, but only expresses your present anxieties.

He was a lion in the fight.what is the figure of speech?

"He was a lion in the fight" is a metaphor.

How is an implied metaphor different from a regular metaphor?

Implied metaphor is when it gives you the metaphor but doesn't tell what the subject is. A regular metaphor tells you the subject of it.

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What is a metaphor joke?

What is a metaphor???Answer: To keep the cows in!!!!Metaphor~ meadow for??get it??? LOL