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Q: What is a microscopic agent which is not cellular and is composed of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat?
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What is a microscopic acellular agent composed of nucleic acids surrounded by a protein coat?


What do most bacteria phages consist of?

Bacteriophages consist of a Nucleic Acid molecule that is surrounded by a structure of proteins.

What is prokaryotes and eukaryotas?

Prokaryotes are microscopic organisms devoid of nucleus material. Eukaryotes on the other hand, are organisms composed of cells having nucleic matter.

What Eukaryotas and prokaryotes?

Prokaryotes are microscopic organisms devoid of nucleus material. Eukaryotes on the other hand, are organisms composed of cells having nucleic matter.

Does a virus have a protein coat?

Yes. All viruses are composed of a nucleic acid surrounded by a protein capsid. When the capsid is not present, the the infectious nucleic acid is called viroid. When the nucleic acid is not present, the infectious protein coating is called prion.

Disease causing nonliving particles composed of an innercore of nucleic acid surrounded a capsid made of protein?

Viruses ---> , there nonliving particles because they do not contain organelles that carry out cell functions, yet they are composed of an inner core of nucleic acids, surrounded by a capsid made of protein. They replicate inside living cells or "host cells" Hope this helps

What describes virus?

A microscopic thing with a nucleic acid code-apex

Which best describes a virus?

A microscopic thing with a nucleic acid code :)

What marcomolecule is made up of nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids are macromolecules composed of nucleotides.

Why are nucleic acids important in biology?

Nucleic acids in the form of DNA and RNA control cellular function and heredity.

Are viruses cellular organism?

Yes!!, Viruses are non cellular parasitic agents. They are not included in the classification of organisms. They consist of two parts: and outer capsid(composed of proteins) and an inner core of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA). They can only reproduce inside a living cell.

What is a virus surrounded by?

The nucleic acid of a virus is covered by a protein capsid.