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A miniature black hole is what forms when atoms smash at a rate to form a mini black hole, gobbling many protons and neurons and other extremely tiny things. Don't worry, they still don't "eat" very much. They also don't last very long.

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What is the difference between a Scchwarzschild and a Kerr black hole?

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

What would happen if you jumped into a Kerr black hole?

If you jumped into an "ordinary" Schwarzschild black hole, you would be crushed into a long line of particles, which means death by a black hole. If you jumped into a Kerr black hole, the same process may occur, but the only thing different is that a Kerr black hole spins, and a Schwarzschild black hole does not. That answer needs a bit more detail. Please use the "related link" below.

What object has such a strong surface gravity that light cannot escape?

A black hole

How strong is the black holes gravitational pull?

The strength of a black hole's gravity depends on the black hole's mass and how far your reference point is from the center of mass.

What song is playing in dance scene of twilight?

The song played in the baseball scene in twilight is called Supermassive black hole by Muse. Try these: and if they dont work you can listen to it on utube just type in supermassive black hole by muse . TAAADDDAAAAA!

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A collapsed star from which light cannot escape?

The collapses star gets squeezed by collapses gas and turns into a black hole.

What is the difference between a Scchwarzschild and a Kerr black hole?

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

What does the black hole do to the star?

A black hole originated as a star, that is, the star converted to a black hole.

What does a black hole do with what it suck in?

The material sucked in to a black hole becomes part of the black hole - that is, a black hole crushes matter to an nearly no size, at all.

Where will you go in a black hole it?

If you fall into a black hole, you'll go into the black hole and nowhere else.

What is the environment in a black hole?

probs black hole

Is the super massive black hole the largest black hole?

Black hole is a location in space that possesses so much gravity, nothing can escape from its pull. Yes, Super massive black hole is the largest black hole.

Can any black hole turn into a neutron star?

No. A black hole will remain a black hole. A neutron star is a remnant of a star not massive enough to become a black hole.

Can you make a black hole inside a black hole?

We know nothing about the conditions within a black hole, but it seems unlikely that a black hole could exist within a black hole, or even if this concept would have any meaning at all.

Is an Intermediate-mass black hole a type of black hole?

Yes. Intermediate-mass blackhole is a medium size black hole. Scientists have found stellar black holes and supermassive black holes but there is no prove that Intermediate-mass black type of black holes exist. My opinion is that they do exist because when a black hole is becoming a black hole supermassiveblack hole it will need to go though this stage of intermediate-mass black hole.

Where will you go if you fall in to a black hole?

Into the black hole's singularity.

What is at the center of the black hole?

A singularity is at the centre of a black hole.