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Q: What is a mix of rich soil and small rocks brought to the land by rivers?
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What is a mix of rich soil and small rocks brought to land by River?


How does weathering build up the land?

weathering breaks ddown rocks and bulid up the land in small little peices of rocks

Where does the rivers load come from?

Sediment derived from the weathering of rocks, and run-off from the land, being washed into the water.

Why doesn't the salt in the ocean come from the rocks and soil on land?

Salt is dissolved from the Earth and transported in oceans/seas by rivers.

How are rivers in the great basin different from most other rivers?

Small streams flow into rivers and the rivers flow to bigger rivers.

What two rivers were important to the Sumerians?

There are two rivers that feed into the land of Mesopotamia. They are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They are important because the two rivers brought silt, a rich soil which helps plant grow extremely well. I hope my answer helped! :)

How did Stephen f Austin choose a site and settlers for his colony?

Actually Moses Austin brought the settlers to a piece of land and they were the ones who chose where their land was and the land was near the rivers so they could get their resources.

Name three ways mountains are formed?

When the land pushes against each other and it make them rise, rivers wash away the land and makes them, and the rocks were leveled and the eventually fell

What was Iraq formerly known as land of palms or rivers?

Land of Rivers.

Land of 5 Rivers?

The Punjab is known as the Land of Five Rivers.

How do rivers get deeper and wider?

They get wider by wheatering out the surronding rocks , erosion.

Are rivers surrounded by higher land?

Rivers are always surrounded by higher land.