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Q: What is a modern day example of sacrifice?
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Their lives

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Can you sacrifice in modern day synagogues?

No, sacrifice can only be given in the Temple in Jerusalem. As per the Tanach (Jewish Bible), prayer replaces sacrifice when we are without the Temple.

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Iran, the Vatican.

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The evolution of the eohippus into the modern day horse is an example of .?

character change

Modern-day China is an example of a?

A Leninist One-Party State.

What is an example of a modern-day religious conflict?

Abortion. Whether it is right to do or not.

What is a modern day example of currency?

Dollars, yen, pounds, etc.

Are there tombs in modern day?

Yes for example there are gravesAlso there are the remains of ancient tombs.

What are some examples of modern day factions?

Do you mean fractions? There are pizzas which is an example.