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Bush fallow.

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Intercropping is a modification of shifting cultivation where different crops are grown together in the same field to maximize land use efficiency.

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Q: What is a modification of shifting cultivation where crops are rotated around a village fallow periods are shorter and soil may be enriched through household wastes?
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Another name for slash and burn farming is?

Swidden agriculture.

Describe what Traditional subsistence farmers did if they practiced shifting cultivation?

Traditional subsistence farmers who practiced shifting cultivation would clear a small area of land, grow crops for a few years until the soil fertility declined, then move to a new area to allow the old one to recover. This process helped them maintain soil fertility and sustain their food production over time.

Which biome agriculture is commonly practiced in a cut-burn-cultivate-abandon mode?

Shifting cultivation is commonly practiced in tropical rainforest biomes in a cut-burn-cultivate-abandon cycle. This method involves clearing small plots of land, burning the vegetation to release nutrients, planting crops for a few seasons, then moving on to a new area once the soil fertility diminishes.

Did the Mayan achievements include crop rotation?

Yes, the Mayans practiced crop rotation by growing crops in different fields each season to maintain soil fertility and productivity. They understood the importance of shifting cultivation to maintain sustainable farming practices in their agricultural systems.

How has the definition of culture changed over time?

The definition of culture has evolved over time, shifting from a narrow understanding of culture as simply high arts and refined manners, to a broader understanding that encompasses all aspects of human behavior, belief systems, and social norms. Culture is now recognized as a complex system of shared values, customs, and practices that shape individuals and societies, reflecting their history, identity, and everyday life. Additionally, there is a growing recognition of the diversity and multiplicity of cultures, emphasizing the need to appreciate and respect different cultural perspectives.