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Q: What is a mosaic and why is the term fluid mosaic model used to describe the plasma membrane?
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Does the fluid mosaic model describe the plasma membrane as a structure that is liquid and very rigid?


What is the structural model of the plasma membrane called-?

structural model of plasma membrane is called the selectively permeable membrane Structural model of the plasma membrane is called Fluid Mosaic Model.

What term describe structure of a cell plasma membrane because of its oily nature and embedded protein?

fluid mosaic

Which model of the plasma membrane is currently the most accepted?

The fluid mosaic model, of corse!

Explain why the term fluid mosaic model is used to describe the plasma membrane?

the arrangement of the molecules that make up a cell mebrane

Because the phospholipid molecules and some proteins are free to move the plasma membrane is said to be?

fluid mosaic

What id the fluid mosaic model?

a model of plasma membrane of cell

Plasma membrane is best described as a fluid mosaic model?

False; the fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane as a flexible boundary of a cell.

What does fluid mosaic mean in reference to the plasma membrane?

A plasma membrane is described as mosaic because all the different components such as proteins and phospholipids, of varying shape and size, give the effect of the stones of a mosaic. It is described as fluid because these components can move freely within the membrane.

Who put forward the name of fluid mosaic model?

Well. According to my Biology book and what I've learnt in school, the fluid mosaic model is proposed by Singer and Nicholson in 1972 in order to describe the structure of the plasma membrane.

What is the role of transport and channel proteins within the fluid mosaic of the plasma membrane?

They allow movement of salts and sugars through the plasma membrane

What term describes the structure of a cell plasma membrane because of its oily nature and embedded proteins?

The term used to describe the plasma membrane because of it's oily nature and embedded proteins is the fluid-mosaic model.The plasma membrane that surrounds each cell has two layers of phospholipids (fat with phosphorous attached).Each phospholipid molecule has a head that is attracted to water (hydrophilic) and a tail that repels water (hydrophobic) . Both the layers of the plasma membrane have the hydrophilic ends pointing to the outside forming the outer layer of the plasma membrane and the hydrophobic tails pointing inside and forming the inner layer of the plasma membrane.Proteins and substances such as cholesterol become embedded in the bi-layer of the plasma membrane giving it a mosaic look.At body temperature the plasma membrane has a liquid consistency like the vegetable oil and proteins and other substances are able to move across the plasma membrane. Due to this reason the plasma membrane is described using the term fluid-mosaic model.