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Q: What is a mother cheetah called?
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What do they call a baby cheetah?

CubA baby cheetah is simply called a cheetah cub. They rely on their mother's to teach them how to hunt, thus stay with the mother until they are two years of age.

What is a person called that rides a cheetah or a cheetah carriage?

a cheetah jockey and a person that rides a cheetah carriage is called a cheetah rick, cheetah rickshaw,cheetah rickshaweror a cheetah rickshaw driver or a broccoli

What happens when a mother cheetah gives birth?

A little baby cheetah comes out.

Is a baby cheetah called a jaguar?

No. A baby cheetah is called a cub.

What is a cheetah's population called?

Cheetah census

How small is a cheetah cub at birth?

At birth a cheetah cub weighs approximatey two pounds. A cheetah cub stays with its mother until it is about a year and half old before its mother abandons it to be on its own.

What is cheetah bat called?

There is no such thing as a cheetah bat

Tamil name for cheetah?

Cheetah - Sirutthai PuliUsually called just as "Sirutthai"

How many months is a cheetah in its mother's uterus?

The gestation period (pregnancy) for a cheetah is about 90 to 98 days.

What is cheetah male called?

A male cheetah is called a male cheetah. Male cheetahs travel together in groups called "coalitions." That's right, a "coalition of cheetahs."

What does the cheetah eat as a newborn?

They eat milk from their mother.

Who cares for cheetah cubs?

The cheetah cubs are cared for by the mother cheetah for about eighteen months. The father has no part in raising the baby animals. The mother nurses the cubs, and protects them from predators, as a large number of tiny cubs fall victim to other animals. The mother later teaches them to hunt.