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Q: What is a name for a throat infection?
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What of these is not a virus Chickenpox Influenza The common cold Strep throat?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection, the others are viral. "Strep" in Strep throat stands for Streptococcus, which is the name of the type of bacteria that cause this infection and sore throat.

Will runny nose lead to a throat infection?

One of the throat infection symptoms is runny nose along with throat pain. However, it is not always necessary that you will get a throat infection if you have a runny nose but you are more susceptible to it as your immunity is low.

What are the symptoms of candida is it redness?

Candida is another name for yeast infection. The symptoms for a yeast infection are itching and redness in the area of infection. Some babies can get candida in their throat.

Is strep throat food?

No. 'Strep throat' means a streptococcal infection of the throat.

What are the various kinds of throat infection?

=== === * sore throat * tonsillitis * strep throat

Why is strep throat called a strep throat?

"Strep" is short for a genus of Gram-positive cocci called Streptococcus. Usually, the most common bacteria causing a throat infection (i.e. "strep" throat) is Streptococcus pyogenes.

How do you catch viral throat infections?

Viral throat infection is airborne.

What do you call the infection of the throat?


What was the name of the throat infection George Washington got?

No one really knows exactly what killed George Washington. History writes it off as a throat infection but a real Diagnosis hasn't really been published... perhaps we will never know...

Can strep throat spread by talking?

Strep throat spread by droplet infection. This is airborne infection, mainly.

A growth of tissue at the back of the throat which helps fight infection?

Your tonsil is a growth of tissue at the back of the throat which helps fight infection.

A throat culture is used in the screening of?

Probably streph throat infection...could also be a staph infection. Maybe even Mononeucleosis