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the cytoskeleton

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The cytoskeleton.

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Q: What is a network of protein fillaments that helps the cell maintain its shape?
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What is a network of long protein strands in the cytosol that helps maintain the shape and size of a eukaryotic cell?

a network of long protein strands that helps to support the cell

What helps maintain flexibility of membrane?

Cholesterol molecules embedded in the lipid bilayer help maintain the fluidity and flexibility of cell membranes by stabilizing them at different temperatures. Additionally, unsaturated fatty acids in the phospholipid molecules can prevent tight packing of the lipids and enhance membrane flexibility. Proteins such as integrins and spectrin can also play a role in maintaining membrane flexibility by allowing for movement and deformation of the membrane.

What cytoskeleton protein helps a cell maintain its shape?

Microtubules and microfilaments...(eg:actin,filamin protin network!)

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Which cytoskeleton protein helps a cell maintain shape?


In a eukaryotic cell a network of protein filaments called what help maintain the shape of cell?

In a eukaryotic cell, a network of protein filaments called the cytoskeleton helps maintain the shape of the cell. The cytoskeleton also plays a role in cell division, intracellular transport, and cellular movement. It is composed of three main types of filaments: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.

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The cytoskeleton maintains the cell shape with a network of protein filaments. The cytoskeleton also protects and helps with movement of cell.

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carbohydrates and protein work together to maintain muscles. carbohydrates provide them with energy while protein helps in maintenance such as repairing tissues etc.