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Q: What is a non-cancerous abnormal cell called?
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What is the medical term of tumor of the bone?

OsteomaA benign bone tumor is an abnormal growth of noncancerous cells.

What is non-malignant sigmoid polyp?

A non-malignant sigmoid polyp is a noncancerous but abnormal cell that is present in the sigmoid colon (near rectum). Polyps are abnormal cells in the colon and some of them have the tendency to turn in to cancer with the passage of time. It is highly recommended to remove the non-malignant polyps.

What is a neoplasm also called?

Abnormal uncontrolled cell multiplication, as in cancer

What is uncontrolled growth called?

Uncontrolled cell growth is usually called a tumor. When there is a condition that causes uncontrolled cell growth of abnormal cells, it is called cancer.

What are abnormal results of a skin biopsy?

The biopsy reveals a noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant) lesion. Benign lesions may require treatment.

What is the most common cause of acromegaly?

the development of a noncancerous tumor within the pituitary, called a pituitary adenoma. These tumors are the source of the abnormal release of GH. As these tumors grow, they may press on nearby structures within the brain,

When does a cancer sigmoidoscopy have abnormal results?

For a cancer screening sigmoidoscopy, an abnormal result involves one or more noncancerous or precancerous polyps or tumors. Patients showing polyps have an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer in the future.

What are the noncancerous diseases in which bone marrow transplantation is used in treatment?

Noncancerous diseases for which bone marrow transplantation can be a treatment option include aplastic anemia, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and severe immunodeficiency.

What are the noncancerous diseases in which bone marrow transplant is used in treatment?

Noncancerous diseases for which bone marrow transplantation can be a treatment option include aplastic anemia, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and severe immunodeficiency.

Is 4.3 is an abnormal white blood cell count?

if it is in thousand, then it is not abnormal. if it is in lacs or in hundred, then it is abnormal.

What characteristics does an abnormal gallbladder X-ray have?

Abnormal results may show gallstones, tumors, or cholesterol polyps (a tumor growing from the lining that is usually noncancerous). Typically stones will "float" or move around as the patient changes position, whereas tumors.

How is sickle cell diagnosed?

Sickle cell is diagnosed by a simple blood test called hemoglobin electrophoresis. This analyzes the blood and points out abnormal cells.