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I would say that is a normal heartrate for 6.6 days - my 7 week scan today showed the heartrate at 154 bpm - this is apparently the upper end of the scale. Best of luck with your pregnancy and congratulations, it is an incredible experience.

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Q: What is a normal heartbeat at 7 weeks gestation Im technically 7 weeks 3 days pregnant but ultrasound is dating it at 6 weeks 6 days. Heartbeat showed at 111 bpm?
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Fetal heartbeat

Ultrasound detect heartbeat in a fetus?

yes, you can see the heartbeat on an ultrasound.

Will an ultrasound show heartbeat if you are 6 weeks pregnant?

You could see a heartbeat if they do a transvaginal ultrasound.

I had a transvaginal ultrasound today for something nonpregnancy realtes and heard a heartbeat was that my heartbeat or should I be waiting for a call from my dotor.?

that is not a heartbeat of a baby. it was your heartbeat..had the same thing happen to me! that is not a heartbeat of a baby. it was your heartbeat..had the same thing happen to me!

What is the latest that a heart can start beating in a baby and where can you feel it at to check?

You will not be able to feel the heartbeat yourself at home. The only way is to listen to the heartbeat, either on a traditional ultrasound or a Doppler ultrasound. Usually, you can see/hear the heart beating on a traditional ultrasound by 7 weeks gestation, and can hear it through a Doppler ultrasound between 10-12 weeks. Hearing the heartbeat so early also depends on the mother's weight (amount of fat on the belly) and the position of the uterus (some women's are tipped backwards, making it harder to hear the heartbeat at the earlier stages of pregnancy).

When can you see babys heartbeat?

At 8 weeks I heard my baby's heartbeat..., but at 14 1/2 wks I saw it on an ultrasound. :) Hope this helps!

Babies sex by heartbeat at 6 months?

You cannot tell a baby's sex by its heartbeat. However, an ultrasound can show sex by 6 months.

When does the heart beat show on a ultrasound?

With my first child I was 7w3d when I had my first u/s. My second child I was 9 weeks. This coming Monday I will have an u/s @ 6w6d and hope to see a heartbeat. I heard from my Ob/Gyn that at 6w1d there should be a heartbeat noticeable on trans. vag. u/s.

Can you hear a baby chickens heartbeat in the egg?

There are so many gut sounds in a horse it is real hard to hear a foals heartbeat with a stetescope. An ultrasound is best.

When do you first have a heartbeat?

When does a baby have a heartbeat? A baby's heartbeat can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound as early as 3 to 4 weeks after conception, or 5 to 6 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. This early embryonic heartbeat is fast, often about 160-180 beats per minutes, twice as fast as us adults'!

Your ultrasound showed that you are 6 weeks pregnant but you should be 9 could that mean you are having a miscarriage?

An ultrasound at 6 weeks should show a fetal heartbeat, if there was a fetal heartbeat you're not miscarrying.. It's probable you estimated your due date wrong.

You got an abdominal ultrasound at 9 weeks but they couldn't find a heartbeat could it be because they didn't do a vaginal ultrasound?

You really need to talk to your doctor or the person who did the ultrasound about this.