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A normal level should be below 100 mg/dL, 100 to 125 mg/dL is evidence of insulin resistance (prediabetic), 126 mg/dL is considered diabetic.

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Q: What is a normal level of glucose in a fasting blood sugar test used to diagnose insulin resistance?
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Describe a fasting bood sugar test used to diagnose insulin resistance?

Fasting blood sugar measures the blood glucose level after a 12-hour fast (no food).

How Insulin resistance is?

The two most common screening tests are the fasting blood sugar test and glucose tolerance test.

How is insulin resistance diagnosed?

The two most common screening tests are the fasting blood sugar test and glucose tolerance test.

What is the constellation of symptoms called metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance syndrome linked to insulin resistance?

The symptoms are excess weight around the waistline, high levels of serum triglycerides, low levels of HDL (good cholesterol), high blood pressure, high fasting blood glucose levels.

Describe a glucose tolerance test used to diagnose insulin resistance?

After 10 to 16 hours of drinking nothing but water blood is drawn. Then a glucose drink (75 grams glucose) is taken and blood drawn again at the half hour and every 6 hours.

Is diabetes mellitus a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels?

Hi!! Yes. Diabetes is a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels. Diabetes is caused due to Insulin deficiency or Insulin resistance or both. We require insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal. Once you have insulin resistance or deficiency you require anti diabetic medicines or Insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal.

What is insuline resistance?

insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas/beta cells when you eat glucose(sugar) is in the blood stream in order for your cells to use the glucose for energy or store it insulin has to "unlock the gate" to let glucose into the cell in insulin resistance your body cells don't let the insulin "unlock the gate" so the pancreas produces more insulin so you have a lot of insulin in your blood stream Type2 Diabetes - pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the muscle cells does not able to properly utilize the insulin.

What is a normal result for a glucose tolerance test used to diagnose insulin resistance?

Normally the blood sugar levels is lower before the drink, rises quickly during the first few hours, and slowly drops again.

How do you diagnose diabetes?

This is done by FBS (fasting blood sugar), Hemogobin A1C (long term measure of glucose in the bloodstream), and GTT (glucose tolerance test). You cannot easily diagnose it yourself but a medical practioner can with a blood sample. If diagnosed, it can be treated by either diet control, oral hypoglycemic medications and/or insulin injections. It is not, in itself, life threatening, but early diagnosis and treatment will prevent problems. See your GP / MD

What are some Insulin Resistance Symptoms?

Insulin resistance symptoms are linked to diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Some symptoms include high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels and impaired glucose tolerance.

Does insulin make glucose?

No. Glucose is a high energy molecule that your body metabolizes to form ATP which is the main energy currency in the body. Insulin is released by your body after eating. It's job is to store excess glucose as glycogen for later use. In times of fasting when blood sugar is low, your body release glucagon which converts the glycogen back into glucose.

How does a person's waistline measurement relate to glucose levels?

A person can be insulin resistant long before developing diabetes. Insulin Resistance has classic symptoms, including glucose being converted and deposited as fat around the belly. This belly fat is extremely hard to shed with exercise. Women with PCOS are also at risk for belly fat and being insulin resistance.